The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing Software Development to India by Aalphasantosh

why outsource to india

The recent Indo-US collaboration fosters tech sharing, co-development, co-production, and adapting regulation among industry, government, and academic institutions. Tech companies like Apple, The Hub Engineering, Samsung, Kia, Boeing, Siemens, and Toshiba are moving their manufacturing lines to the country; India is also on its way to becoming an outsourcing hub for tech manufacturing. Experts say that 30-40% of technology jobs lost globally may be outsourced to India. Amidst all this, outsourcing in India has emerged as the most viable choice. Today, businesses are shifting their attention to enhancing their operations in centers located in India to increase profitability. The model is ideal for long-haul projects or fast-growing startups and enterprises that want to set up a long-term development team offshore.

why outsource to india

Well-developed infrastructure and technology

Your IT outsourcing in India starts with an SLA (Service Level Agreement) that establishes communication protocols, response times, and performance expectations to ensure accountability. Its software developers leverage cutting-edge technology, software, and infrastructure to gain a competitive advantage. Besides, you get multiple engagement models to choose from while outsourcing work to India. You can select an outsourcing partner, hire offshore developers, hire freelancers, or build your in-house remote teams. India annually adds an average of 1.5 million software developers to its population.

Offshore Outsourcing to India by U.S. and E.U. Companies

With outsourcing, companies are given the flexibility to scale up or down quickly as their current project requirements demand. Outsourcing is the practice of getting certain business tasks and activities performed outside of your in-house structure. Typically, this entails functions, tasks, operations and activities that are non-core to your business. The Outsource Accelerator website has over 5,000 articles, 450+ podcast episodes, and a comprehensive directory with 3,900+ BPO companies… all designed to make it easier for clients to learn about – and engage with – outsourcing.

Standard Digital

It is understood that Linux servers experienced a similar issue in April with CrowdStrike, which, according to some industry commentators, highlighted a failure in quality control that neither CrowdStrike nor Microsoft adequately addressed. What is clear is that prior to CrowdStrike, Microsoft had not publicly raised security concerns over the security risks of providing what’s in an auditor’s report the access to the same application programming interfaces (APIs) that Microsoft uses internally. Such events do occur, but the root cause has been identified as a buggy update in third-party anti-virus software called Falcon, provided by CrowdStrike. The buggy file should have been detected by Falcon, but it too had a bug which read the file and caused it to crash.

When it comes to India, the cost of labor on a per day basis comes up to as little as $2 per day. This is significantly low in comparison to other countries like China and Malaysia, where the labor charges are $4-$8 per day. Taylor decided to outsource the florida tax rates and rankings florida taxes employee’s role to someone in India, and the offshoring of the position saved around 40% in labor costs, he told the Journal. ValueCoders recognizes the significance of legal compliance and makes every effort to abide by all relevant laws and regulations.

  1. Review their data protection policies regarding intellectual properties (IPs).
  2. There’s a multitude of reasons (think – cost, quality and more) – but did you know that outsourcing is the main source of foreign income for India’s economy?
  3. The government has offered its support to the IT industry by providing various tax-related and other benefits and by enacting the Information Technology Act, which recognizes electronic contracts, bars cybercrime, and supports e-filing of documents.
  4. If more US businesses open their job listings to overseas workers, white-collar workers could find themselves competing with a global pool of applicants.

Our team is adept at managing cultural differences and has extensive experience dealing with customers worldwide. We can assist businesses in overcoming the difficulties of outsourcing and achieving their objectives due to our knowledge and dedication to transparent communication. China, Egypt, many Eastern European countries, and dozens of others are fighting aggressively to build their domestic business and payroll calculator technology services industries, offering tax benefits and improved infrastructure as incentives. Egypt, for example, is developing university programs intended to provide the industry with 32,000 employable graduates by 2010. The revenues of India’s business and technology services companies have grown to about $58 billion at the end of 2008 (including about $46 billion in exports), from $4 billion in 1998.

why outsource to india

To date, no data privacy protection laws (comprehensive or sectoral) currently exist in India, and no counterpart to the Federal Trade Commission has been established to issue, administer, and enforce data privacy rules. If credit card information is stolen and used, a 12- to 15-hour time zone difference between the U.S. and India can allow a culprit in India to use the card while the card owner is still sleeping. McKinsey analysis suggests that there is little immediate risk to India’s dominance of the market for offshore technology and business services. But the country’s share could sink to 40 percent by 2020, from just over 50 percent at the end of 2008, primarily as a result of increased competition from other countries, talent and infrastructure constraints, and an unhelpful regulatory environment.

Business Process Outsourcing is the process of delegating back-office activities like customer related functions, HR, accounting, and internal functions of the organization that can be passed on to call centers. Since the onset of globalization in the nineties, outsourcing became popular and India became a preferred location for companies. India offers a distinct combination of technological advancements and communication which motivated companies to outsource their business processes to India.

Over the years, outsourcing has developed into an industry of its own with countries like India, China, Malaysia, and many others becoming the most preferred locations for countries that want to outsource. One of the booming sectors in India today, the telecommunications sector is growing in size and potential. The demand for data bandwidth and better communication quality is always high and companies are increasingly investing in the telecom sector. This progress in the telecom sector took place because service providers are enthusiastic about adopting new emerging technologies such as real-time data analytics. The IT industry is the fifth largest in India and a majority of the revenue is generated through outsourcing companies. According to a Statista report, the IT sector contributed to 7.7% of India’s GDP in 2017.

Unlike their Western counterparts, they are willing to assist beyond their regular working hours for the projects they are involved in. This ensures that you have 24/7 support on your ongoing operation, empowering you to maximize accomplishments in a normal work day, which would not have been possible if the work were done locally. Quickly determine your outsourcing ROI with our cost calculator and its impact on your overall budget. Learn about the various models of hiring remote developers and how to choose the right one.

In today’s modern digitized world, outsourcing has become a means for companies to drive innovation and generate profits while building a brand value globally. India has cultivated an image as the outsourcing hub of the world by creating a platform which makes it accessible for companies to outsource their business processes. While IT and BPO sectors take the lead many other industries have realized India as their preferred destination for outsourcing services.

The strategic collaboration with Indian outsourcing firms has resulted in the timely delivery of inventive solutions, furthering Microsoft’s technological progress and position as a market leader. Indian outsourcing companies can provide the quickest time-to-market due to the advantages gained by time zone differences. The 12-hour time difference between India and the USA provides companies with numerous opportunities for work to be completed earlier than expected, leading to greater efficiency, increased productivity and more time to focus on other crucial tasks.

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